Friday 25 February 2011

Five Skin Care Facts for Friday!

1. Smoking depletes the body of Vitamin C and therefore impairs healing. By restricting oxygen to the skin, you may see a sallow, yellow look to the skin and fine wrinkling. Multivitamin Power Concentrate is a stabilised pure concentrated complex of vitamins A,C,E,F. Regular use helps your skin recover from previous free radical damage.

2. The ideal water temperature to cleanse with is warm. If the water is too hot, this may cause sensitivity and dilated capillaries.

3. If you have had a previous previous reaction to sunscreen, this was most likely a chemical reaction. Sunscreens convert light energy into heat energy, therefore, if a sunscreen contains mineral oil, this will most likely cause prickly heat! Try using a physical UV protection that does not contain any chemicals. A physical sunscreen will reflect the sun's rays, a chemical sunscreen will absorb the rays.

4. Use a water soluble cleanser rather than soap. Soap is alkaline and will strip your skin of it's natural protective acid mantle and will leave your skin open to invasion by bacteria. The Bar or Special Cleansing Gel is a great alternative. It is deep cleansing, but does not strip and dry. It foams similar to soap and therefore gives you the simplicity of a routine similar to the one you are currently using.

5. Whilst it is essential to have a good routine where you exfoliate regularly, once or twice weekly, depending on your skin condition, too much will disturb your skin's protective acid mantle and leave your skin prone to invasion by bacteria and sensitivity. Disturbance of the protective barrier allows moisture to escape from the skin too quickly, leaving it feeling dry and tight and allows products to penetrate too quickly. If you continue to exfoliate to excess, this could lead to premature aging of the skin.

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