Friday 16 September 2011

Post Summer Skin

We are now back from our holidays and the kids are back to school. The question on our minds is have you looked after your skin over the summer months?
UV exposure causes far reaching damage to skin that may not be noticeable at the time but accumulates and shows its ugly face when we hit our 30s and 40s.
UVA rays are the longest rays in the spectrum, and they penetrate deepest into the skin. UVA rays are responsible for causing the damage at a cellular level, making them responsible for the main cause of the signs of ageing in the form of wrinkles and pigmentation. UVA is present all year round, even in wintertime!

UVB rays are shorter than UVA rays, and cause the burn or tan effect in the skin. Both UVA and UVB rays can cause cancer, so wearing a
broad spectrum sunscreen with antioxidants is absolutely essential!

UVC radiation is potentially the most damaging as it is very energetic but is absorbed by oxygen and ozone in the stratosphere and never reaches the Earth's surface.
Speak with your professional skin therapist about SPF moisturisers that can be worn comfortably under make-up or alone deliver defence against skin ageing UV light.

Visit our
website about SPF moisturisers that can be worn comfortably under make-up or alone deliver defence against skin ageing UV light.

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