Monday 15 June 2009

At NIOXIN®, their philosophy has always been that achieving beautiful, healthy-looking hair starts where your hair begins—with the scalp. And as the leading provider of the most effective natural skincare solutions, NIOXIN® products are formulated to be Skincare for the scalp.

Overcoming the appearance of thinning hair is a process. Through a daily regimen of cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, each NIOXIN® system works to help improve the appearance of thinning hair and create and maintain an optimum scalp environment.

Some loss or shedding of hair every day is normal. However, hair may not be growing back at the same rate as it's falling out, resulting in a deficient hair count.

The following is an explanation of how NIOXIN's scientific approach to scalp and hair care aims to help :

There are three phases in the lifecycle fo a hair. The longest phase is anagen, in which the hair is growing. The intermediate and shortest phase is catagen, during which the lower two-thirds of the follicle is destroyed. The last phase is telogen, during which the follicle is resting and preparing to return to the anagen (growing) phase.

The Growth Cycle – Anagen can last 2 to 6 years (if not disrupted). Nioxin interacts during this stage to strengthen the hair and follicle with a vitamin enriched, nutrient formula.

The Resting Cycle - Catagen lasts only 1 to 2 weeks, when the hair starts to detach from its food source, the papilla.

The Fall-out Cycle - Telogen lasts around 5 to 6 weeks when the hair starts to move upwards preparing to fall out having completely detached from the follicle. It then takes about 9 months for the dermal papilla to produce new anagen hair.

However, hair can be rushed into the fall-out stage. Some factors can prematurely advance the follicle into the telogen stage, these include stress, medication, illness, diet or poor quality chemical procedures. When hair is in the fall-out stage NO product can re-attach it to it's food source, the papilla! Badly damaged hair will unfortunately continue to fall out.
Defining Normal/Abnormal Hair Loss
So how much hair loss is normal?
Conventional wisdom has indicated that the loss of 100 to 125 hairs per day is normal. And obviously, hair must be replaced at the same rate as its daily loss to maintain existing hair density. However, NIOXIN believe that the loss of more than 50 hairs per day may be excessive and an early indication of thinning hair problems. The average healthy person using NIOXIN as recommended, should lose only 10 to 50 hairs a day within the first month of use.
Nioxin Research Laboratories has identified give characteristics indicating the likelihood that a person could experience premature hair loss.
Adult cystic acne or acne with cysts containing keratin and sebum. Inflammation of the sebaceous glands from retained secretion. Cystic acne is associated with DHT; therefore the presence of this type of acne is a warning sign and indicates the same hormonal imbalances that often lead to premature hair loss.
The sebaceous gland starts to produce excess sebum, which builds up on the scalp (sometimes looking like adult cradle cap). As the sebaceous gland is hormonally regulated, over production of sebum indicates the same hormonal imbalance that often leads to premature hair loss.
Alopecia Areata
This is a non-hormonal form of hair loss. Genetics, diet and stress trigger what's believed to be an auto-immune disease and the subsequent hair loss associated with it. Once you have alopecia areata, even though the bald spots can come and go, it's generally a condition warning of more severe hair loss problems ahead. Proper scalp care can reduce the severity of the episodes and time between them, but there is no known permanent solution.
Excessive Shedding
Hair must be replaced at the same rate of loss in order to maintain current thickness and volume. When shampooing daily, the loss of 50 or more hairs can be a warning sign of potential hair loss problems.
Excessive Body Hair
50% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has complete chest hair.70% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has chest, shoulder and back hair.90% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has total body hair.
Excessive body hair (hirsutism) or sudden appearance of facial hair is a warning sign as it represents the same hormonal imbalance that can cause premature thinning and baldness.
NIOXIN is considered the most advanced product for improving fine or thinning hair quality. Its ability to remove DHT from the scalp skin and then help protect hair follicles from chemical deterioration is unsurpassed. The primary cause of hair loss and follicle deterioration is dihydrotestosterone but, diet, pollution, radiation, stress, medication and other factors reduce hair quality and increase hair loss. NIOXIN is a system designed to improve the environment of the scalp for fuller, thicker, healthier hair. NIOXIN is not a drug, contains no harmful chemicals and is safe for all ages to use and benefit from.
The NIOXIN range of products is designed to be just as beneficial to people who want to maintain a healthy head of hair, as it is to those already concerned with the problem of increasingly fine, fragile or thinning hair.
The NIOXIN range is a system committed to the science of living hair.

Tuesday 2 June 2009



Q: Can skin aging be reversed?
A: No matter what you hear, what you read, or what you want to believe, skin aging cannot be reversed. But there are steps you can take to control the situation.
The appearance and signs of skin aging can be minimized, and further skin aging can be controlled. New scientific research has uncovered ingredients that work on a biochemical level to control skin aging, all while minimizing current signs of skin aging. Some of these ingredients include antioxidant vitamins C and E, Glucosamine, peptides, Lactic Acid, Retinyl Palmitate, and of course, daily use of an SPF. Take a look at Dermalogica AGE Smart.

Q: What are free radicals?
A: Free radicals are responsible for skin aging in the form of wrinkles, breakdown in collagen and elastin, and inflammation.
Also known as Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), free radicals are highly reactive, unstable molecules that attack and steal from stable molecules. Unstable means the free radicals don’t have an even number of electrons, and are constantly in search of an extra electron to steal to become stable. For every free radical that “steals” from a stable molecule, another free radical is formed, causing a cascade of free radical formation. Fortunately, antioxidants (Vitamins C and E) can help stop the free radical cascade and control this trigger of skin aging.

Q: Why is collagen important in skin?
A: Collagen is a protein produced in the body that connects, supports, and helps give firmness and strength to the body's tissues.
By the time we reach our 30th birthday, we will start to lose 1% of collagen with each subsequent birthday. Collagen production slows as we age, which impacts the skin’s ability to repair itself, triggering a loss of elasticity. Because of collagen’s role in firmer, taut skin, many skin aging products include ingredients that help stimulate collagen production.

Q: What's the difference between intrinsic aging and extrinsic aging?
A: The signs of skin aging are caused by intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
Intrinsic aging is the normal, genetic process of physical change over time, and begins the minute we’re born. Extrinsic aging is aging caused by external factors like our environment and lifestyle.

Some of the products your professional skin therapist may prescribe will include:

Dermalogica Skin Resurfacing Cleanser :
A dual-action exfoliating cleanser that smoothes, retexturizes, and delivers ultra-clean skin

Dermalogica Multivitamin Power Concentrate :
Concentrated vitamins A, C and E help reverse the signs of aging and fight skin-damaging free radicals

Dermalogica Dynamic Skin Recovery :
Firm, hydrate, and defend against skin aging with this emollient SPF moisturizer

Dermalogica Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque :
Soothe, calm and help skin recover from damage with this antioxidant-rich masque

Dermalogica Power Rich :
A potent moisturizing treatment that dramatically increases firmness and elasticity

Dermalogica Multivitamin Power Firm :
Combat visible lines around the eye are with this powerful firming complex

You can purchase all the above products at great prices with FREE UK delivery from Donna Maisey Skin Care